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Letting Go

1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

Let me begin with this, Apostle and I have a system for our prayer calls. I send him a scripture and prayer focus the night prior. We both spend time meditating on it in preparation for our call. I usually get up an hour or so prior to the call, but this morning, I’ve been up for hours. My Pastor, Bishop Lester Love, has a daily call as well. He is two hours ahead of me so I don’t always make it on his call; however, this morning I get on only to hear that what he is discussing is the same topic I sent Apostle last night. I shared that because I believe growth takes you to a place where there is more affirmation then confirmation. Affirmation tends to speak to the validity of a thing whereas confirmation is the approval of a thing. Both are good and needed, but as we move in Him, the right direction, we see less need for approval. This comes through a process of both moving forward and letting go!

Let me paint this opportunity of growth by way of a story. I’ve shared it before. In India, there are a lot of monkeys. When the locals want to catch one, they anchor a bottle to the ground. The neck of the bottle is just large enough for the monkey’s hand to fit through. Then, the local puts a small banana in the bottle, sit back and wait. Before long a monkey comes by, sees the banana, reaches his hand in the bottle and grabs it. But then, the monkey discovers that he can’t get his hand out of the bottle while holding onto the banana. With his hand in the bottle, the monkey discovers that he can’t get his hand out of the bottle while holding onto the banana. With his hand in the bottle, the monkey lets out a loud squeal as the person who sets the trap walks up to the monkey and places a burlap sack over him. In the darkness, the monkey releases the banana and is captured.

Watch this, the monkey could, of course, let go of the banana and run before getting caught. Some do let go and get away, but most monkeys hang on to the banana until the sack goes over their heads. Why? Because the banana has value to the monkey and the monkey is unwilling to let go of that value. So unwilling that he gives his life up for it. People are doing the same thing. People get trapped by their thoughts, their ways, their pain, or their misplaced ownership in the same way that the monkeys get trapped by the bananas.

Watch me switch, let me back up a few scriptures and highlight the fact that there is power in obedience and right submission. Verses 5 and 6 record:

5 In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud, but shows favor to the humble”

6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.

Submission is the art of understanding multiple agendas will eventually collide. Humility is the ability to give way to what you think you want in order to receive what He has prepared. Don’t miss this right here, the same thing that is good for you can be detrimental to you. Ask the monkey!! Bananas are good unless they are used as a trap. We have to get to a place Man of God, Woman of God, where we see the power, the benefit, the freedom, the life in letting go. Our scripture says, “Cast all your anxieties”. The KJV version says, “Casting all your cares upon Him; for He careth for you.” Let me clarify, encourage, empower you through this invitation. It says cast which means throw with energy. Don’t lay them down, but with all you’ve got, with all your’ might, cast them onto the One that will determine their level of existence. If you only lay them down, they are close enough for you to pick up without much thought. That’s why we keep repeating some of the same things. They are too close, too convenient. But casting them out takes another level of effort to go back. The art of casting is connected to His caring. When He sees you cast, He will close the trap and turn what was a squeal of fear into a shout of victory! Your help is on the other side of your cast!

Today is the day we are getting our power back because this is our due time! For every trap seen and unseen, for every imposter that has the look of a good thing, but really has been sent as a trap, we come this morning to let go of things that are not designed for our good, but are assigned as a hold. We are declaring a full strength, all-out cast of them! Regardless of what you have seen, where you are, what you’ve said and done, or what they’ve said and done, don’t be selective! Cast ALL of them! Truth is, like in India, folks are setting up traps to catch the monkeys. The devil is setting up traps to catch God’s people. Say it with me, I see your trap and I’m letting it go! Burdens are lifting! Thoughts are lining up in order! Bodies are operating in the strength of the stripes! We choose to let go and let God for real, for real! No more picking it back up! Thank you, God, that You can handle our stuff! All over the country we declare we’re letting go of those things not designed for our growth!

Remember to live your life without excuses!

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